Take a Look at some of our Main Features

Automated Billing

Automatically bill your students, define your fee groups, and set billing cycles!

Parent Registration

StudentPlus allows parents/guardians/students to register themselves to join your school.

Classes and Timetables

Set up your class schedules and timetables each day, the timetable is also available on your personal website!


Multi Platform & easily accessible!

StudentPlus is accessable from anywhere, anytime. It supports most browsers from desktops to tablets!

Mass Emails

Manage your students, staff, families, phone numbers, emails, addresses, billing information, invoices, and account balances. Studentplus also lets you easily send emails to all students, active students, or students in specific classes.

Payment Reminders

StudentPlus also sends out payment reminders relevant to the billing cycle, and additional fees due dates.

Bank Statement Imports & Automatic Payment Allocation

Automatically allocate your payments to the relevant accounts and fees for which the payments were intended.

Customizable Website

Customize your own website, included with any StudentPlus package, for parent registration, timetables, general information, aswell as schedules.

Sign up Now!